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Posts posted by Bethlehem

  1. w7MdEQVuZLTt3vmAaG7_CyrZBBor48y10QLoRt8a

    Player’s customs are not included in this guide, this guide is based on how our staff and players progressed. It is possible to skip a tier, so this guide can be personal preference. It's just to assist you further. If you have any suggestions please PM an Administrator, all feedback is very much appreciated.

    Special thanks to the Bethlehem Staff Team and the Bethlehem Community

     Range Weapons 

    Duel Beretta
    Artillery Box

    Artillery Box

    Scoped AK
    Upgraded from AK-47 & Artillery Box

    AK-47 Asiimov
    Upgraded from Scoped AK & Artillery Box


    Water Bow
    Rare drop from Livyathann & Legendary Mystery Box

    Blood Duel Beretta
    Rare drop from Abbadon & Donation Box

    Blood Sniper
    (+5% DR/DDR)
    Upgraded from AK-47 Asiimov & Donation Store & Donation Box

    Dark Lord's Bow
    Ultra Legendary drop from Phoenix & Clue Caskets & Legendary Mystery Box

    Light Lord's Bow
    Donation Store & Clue Caskets & Legendary Mystery Box & Voting

    Dragonrage Bow
    (+3% DR/DDR)
    Legendary drop from Dragonix

    Infernal M16 Mainhand
    Upgraded from Blood Sniper & Donation Store & Donation Box & Legendary Warrior Boxes

    Dragonrage Bow (I)
    (+5% DR/DDR)
    Upgraded from Dragonrage Bow

    Zulrah Minigun (Regular)
    Drop from Zulrah

    Zulrah Minigun (Blue)
    (+10% DR/DDR)
    Use Blue Mutagen on regular Zulrah Minigun

    Infernal Minigun
    (+10% DR/DDR)
    Donation Box & Marvel Raids

    Zulrah Minigun (Red)
    Use Red Mutagen on regular Zulrah Minigun

    Dragonbone Minigun

    (+10% DR/DDR)

    Obtained by combining all the miniguns with 3 Dragonbone Crystals which are obtained from Dragonbone Corp

    Custom Miniguns
    (Set your own DR, Effects & Colour) (Untradable)
    Currently on SALE at: www.bethlehem317.com/shop or ::donate

    Icy Crossbow
    Donation Store

    Arcane Crystal Bow
    (+60% DR/DDR)
    Arcane Scratch Cards

    Arcane Crystal Bow (I)
    (+60% DR/DDR) (2 Hit Splats)
    Combined with 2x Arcane Crystal Bow and 10x Dragonrage Bow (I)

    Dragonglass Bow
    (+60% DR/DDR) (2 Hit Splats)
    Created in ::invent


  2. w7MdEQVuZLTt3vmAaG7_CyrZBBor48y10QLoRt8a

    Player’s customs are not included in this guide, this guide is based on how our staff and players progressed. It is possible to skip a tier, so this guide can be personal preference. It's just to assist you further. If you have any suggestions please PM an Administrator, all feedback is very much appreciated.

    Special thanks to the Bethlehem Staff Team and the Bethlehem Community

     Melee Weapons 

    Laser Swords (Red, Purple, Grass, Water)
    Common drop from Zirconis


    Duo Laser Swords (Red, Grass, Water)
    Upgraded from Laser Sword


    Infernal Spear
    Rare drop from Infernal Groudon 

    Dark Predator Scythe
    Uncommon drop from Skidadrum


    Gold Predator Scythe
    Upgraded from Dark Predator Scythe


    Dragon Slayer Blade
    Uncommon drop from Weisslogia

    Shadow Slayer Blade
    Upgraded from Dragon Slayer Blade

    Nature Sword
    Uncommon drop from Allan

    Forest Sword
    Upgraded from Nature Sword


    Water Blade
    Rare drop from Bandos Avatar & Donation Box

    Darklord Blade
    Legendary drop from Shadowlord & Donation Box

    Razor Whip
    Legendary drop from Baphomet & Donation Box

    Nex Sword
    Legendary drop from Nex

    Devil May Cry
    Combine 200 Mythical Edge Shards + 200 Mythical Hilt Shards (Drops from anything)

    Infernal Sword
    Donation Store

    Chiller Sword
    Donation Store

    Devil May Cry (I)
    Upgraded from Devil May Cry

    Ice Dragon Hammer Mainhand
    (+15% DR/DDR)
    Donation Store & Arcane Scratchers


    Easter Carrot Mace
    (+10% DR/DDR) 2 Hit splats, 6 hits per second 
    Easter Boxes


    Candy Cane Scythe
    (+10% DR/DDR) 2 Hit splats, 6 hits per second)
    Christmas Boxes


    Halloween Scythe

    (+10% DR/DDR, 2 hit splats, 6 hits per second)

    Obtained from Halloween boxes from Halloween event


    Volcanic Dragon Hammer

    (+15% DR/DDR 2 Hit splats, 3 hits per second)

    Upgrade from Ice Dragon Hammer via ::invent

    Icy Glaive
    (Untradeable) (+15% DR/DDR)
    Donation Store & Glaive Boxes

    Buster Sword
    (Untradeable) (+15% DR/DDR)
    Donation Store

    Electric Katana
    (No stats but does 1M spec damage, 50% per spec)
    Legendary drop from Sasuke


    Electric Katana (I)
    (No stats but does 1M spec damage, 1% per spec)
    Upgraded from Electric Katana


    Candy Cane Scythe (i)
     (+10% DR/DDR) (second fastest weapon)
    Created in ::invent


    (Untradeable) (+50% DR/DDR) (4 Hit Splats, 6 hits per second)
    Donation Store & Masamune Boxes

    Ice Dragon Halberd
    (+30% DR/DDR) (3 Hit Splats, 999k stats)
    Donation Store

  3. w7MdEQVuZLTt3vmAaG7_CyrZBBor48y10QLoRt8a

    Player’s customs, gloves, boots, capes or necklaces are not included in this guide (unless set effect), this guide is based on how our staff and players progressed. It is possible to skip a tier, so this guide can be personal preference. It's just to assist you further. If you have any suggestions please PM an Administrator, all feedback is very much appreciated.

    Special thanks to the Bethlehem Staff Team and the Bethlehem Community

    Mage Armour 

    Virtus Set
    Common drop from Aquanite

    Oblivion Set
    Uncommon drop from Aurelia & Donation Box & Legendary Mystery Box

    Void Set
    (Untradeable) (4 Pieces for 1.5x DMG)
    Obtained from Pest Control

    Trio Set
    Rare drop from Livyathann & Legendary Mystery Box & Donation Store


    Elite Void Set
    (Untradeable) (3 Pieces for 2.5x DMG)
    Upgraded from Void Set

    Nulgath Set
    (3 Pieces for 2.5x DMG)
    Rare drop from Nulgath

    Sasuke Set
    (5 Pieces for 10% DMG) (+4% DR/DDR Per Piece)
    Rare drop from Sasuke


    Goku Training Set
    (3 Pieces for 2.5x DMG) (+9% DR/DDR Per Piece)

    Bought from Mini-Goku point shop

    Saradomin's Battlemage Robes Set
    (3 Pieces for 2.8x DMG)
    Rare drop from Saradomin Godwars


    Mystic Virtus Set
    (3 Pieces for 2.9x DMG)
    Donation Store & Arcane Scratch Cards

    Akatsuki Set
      (+11% DR/DDR per piece as standared, Due to update it can now be upgraded to +20% DR/DDR per piece)
    Created in ::invent


  4. w7MdEQVuZLTt3vmAaG7_CyrZBBor48y10QLoRt8a

    Player’s customs, gloves, boots, capes or necklaces are not included in this guide (unless set effect), this guide is based on how our staff and players progressed. It is possible to skip a tier, so this guide can be personal preference. It's just to assist you further. If you have any suggestions please PM an Administrator, all feedback is very much appreciated.

    Special thanks to the Bethlehem Staff Team and the Bethlehem Community

    Range Armour 

    Pernix Set
    Common drop from Artillery

    Depature Set
    Uncommon drop from Big Black Beast

    Dark Depature Set
    Rare drop from Belerion & Upgraded from Depature

    Void Set
    (Untradeable) (4 Pieces for 1.5x DMG)
    Obtainable by Pest Control

    Blood Depature Set
    Rare drop from Abbadon & Clue Caskets

    Dragonrage Set
    Rare drop from Dragonix

    Animal Set
    Donation Store

    KBD Set
    Rare drop from KBD Warrior

    Elite Void Range Set
    (Untradeable) (3 Pieces for 2.5x DMG)
    Upgraded from Void Set

    Armadyl (I) Set
    Rare drop from Armadyl Godwars

    Sasuke Set
    (5 Pieces for 10% DMG) (+4% DR/DDR per piece)
    Rare drop from Sasuke

    Goku Training Set
    (3 Pieces for 3.1x DMG) (+3% DR/DDR per piece)
    Bought from Mini Goku point shop

    Saiyan Set
    Drop from Dragon Ball Z 2

    Cloud Set
    (Untradeable) (+5% DR/DDR per piece)
    Drop from Final Fantasy Raids

    Sephiroth Set
    (Untradeable) (+15% DR/DDR per piece)
    Drop from Final Fantasy Raids

    Akatsuki Set
     (+11% DR/DDR per piece as standared, Due to update it can now be upgraded to +20% DR/DDR per piece)
    Created in ::invent


  5. w7MdEQVuZLTt3vmAaG7_CyrZBBor48y10QLoRt8a

    Player’s customs, gloves, boots, capes or necklaces are not included in this guide (unless set effect), this guide is based on how our staff and players progressed. It is possible to skip a tier, so this guide can be personal preference. It's just to assist you further. If you have any suggestions please PM an Administrator, all feedback is very much appreciated.

    Special thanks to the Bethlehem Staff Team and the Bethlehem Community

    Melee Armour 

    Beginner Dragon Set
    Common drop from Zirconis

    Light Darklord Set
    Upgraded from Beginner Dragon

    Dark Predator Set
    Common drop from Skidadrum

    Deadly Dragonslayer Set
    Uncommon drop from Weisslogia

    Shadow Dragonslayer Set
    Upgraded from Deadly Dragonslayer

    Nature Set
    Uncommon drop from Allan & from Caskets

    Forest Set
    Upgraded from Nature Set & from Caskets

    Gold Predator Set
    Upgraded from Dark Predator & from Caskets & Clue Caskets

    Void Melee Set
    (Untradeable) (4 Pieces for 1.5x DMG)
    Obtainable from Pest Control


    Trio Set
    Rare drop from Livyathann & Legendary Mystery Box & Donation Store

    Baphomet Torva Set
    Rare drop from Baphomet

    Infernal Set
    Rare drop from Infernal Groudon & Legendary Mystery Box

    Shadow Lord Set
    Legendary drop from Shadowlord & Donation Store

    Bloodlust Shadowlord Set
    Legendary drop from Bloodlust Shadowlord

    Light Lord Set
    Legendary drop from Skotizo

    Elite Void Melee Set
    (Untradeable) (3 Pieces for 2.5x DMG)
    Upgraded from Void Set

    Dank Set
    Rare drop from Dank Warrior

    Bandos (I) Set
    Rare drop from Bandos Godwars

    Sasuke Set
    (5 Pieces for +10% DMG) (+4% DR/DDR per piece, +6% DR/DDR for sandals)
    Rare drop from Sasuke

    Goku Training Set
    (3 Pieces for 3.1x DMG) (+3% DR/DDR per piece)
    Bought from Mini Goku point shop

    Saiyan Set
    Drop from Dragon Ball Z 2

    Cloud Set
    (Untradeable) (+5% DR/DDR per piece)
    Drop from Final Fantasy Raids

    Sephiroth Set
    (Untradeable) (+15% DR/DDR per piece)
    Drop from Final Fantasy Raids

    Akatsuki Set
     (+11% DR/DDR per piece as standared, Due to update it can now be upgraded to +20% DR/DDR per piece)
    Created in ::invent


  6. Hello Nomu!

    I wanna say that your clan creation is on pending and we’re waiting for you to pay a server manager the 50Q. Within this week we will get in touch and get everything setup!


  7. October 27th - Game Updates


    1. Mounts:
    - We are releasing the beginning of mounts this weekend. This week we are releasing 2 mounts: Blood Wolf, and Emperor's Dragon.
    - First get a Blood Wolf Pet, then equip the Full Shaman Set in order to tame your pet, and gain the ability of "Mount". (All obtainable at Minigames Teleport)
    - Emperor's Dragon and Emperor's Dragonslayer Set are obtainable as a Pack in the Donator Store. Comes with a free Max Stat weapon, Emperor's Dragonslayer Sword
    1 Happy Halloween! (30 Days):
    - Halloween Event: type (::halloween) to teleport to the event. Collect all three keys to open the Halloween Chest. Rares Include: Pumpkin, Black Halloween Mask, Halloween Box.
    - Halloween Box: Available for $1 in Donator Store, same as a Glaive Box, gives $1 scroll always. Rares include: Wyrm Set Halloween Edition. Best DR armor in game, +10 DR/+25DDR per piece.
    - Pumpkin Cape, obtainable through the Halloween Box, allows you to teleport to the Halloween Event even after the event ends.
    - Referral System
    - Mandatory Bank Pin for players over 3 Days (Don’t need to set it if you already have ::2fa)


    - Hades Boots Graphic Update
    - Reduced Instance Timers from 30 Seconds to 15 seconds (However, you have to leave the instance before teleporting back in, this is to prevent multiple titans spawning into one instance)
    - Lowered the Cost of Goku Armor to 7500 per piece
    -  Removed the damage cap for Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry (i), and Ice Dragon Hammers
    - Added Drop Announcements for Saiyan Armor and Super Saiyan
    - Announcement System
    2. Bug fixes:
    - Untradeable Dragon Balls Bug
    - Multiple Titans in One Instance
    - Mail Alert is now more prominent (Staff should make more use of the mailbox system)
    - Fixed Madara Fan Bug Abuse for Dungeoneering
    - Fixed Goku Armor Multiplier (2.5x for all styles)
    - Fixed Madara’s Blood Fans (DR is now back to +15)
    - Fixed Sakura and Naruto Daily Task Preview
    - Fixed Bloodlust and Madara Daily Task Numbers

  8. Clan Application:

    Clan Name:

    Clan Owner In-Game Username:

    Clan Owner Discord Name and tag:

    First 4 members (in-game username and discord tag):


    In-game Playtime (screenshot):

    In-Game Rank:

    Clan purpose/theme (PVM, PK, Gamble ...):

    What your clan intends to do to help the server (your mission):

    Why should we support your clan?:

    Do you meet the requirements to create a clan and the 50Q cash?:

    Do you agree with us disbanding the clan if it breaks the rules or not meeting the requirements?:


  9. 30344b9c0fd6290952fb05e04589b2af.png

    Congratulations on creating your clan. I hope everything went well.


    First to do; we have a sub thread to show off all the clans which are available. As the clan owner you should create your own thread. This thread also has some requirements you must have.


    1) Your clan roster should show your clan off, see this as an advertisement for your clan.
    2) The thread is not allowed to be rushed, and has to look good.
    3) The thread name format is the following: "[PK/PVM/MERCH/GAMBLE] Clan Name" (Can have multiple titles).
    4) You have to include the following in the roster:
    - Clan Name
    - Clan Purpose: PVM, PK, Gamble etc
    - Small description about your clan
    - Application Format
    - Requirements/rules to join
    - Member List
    Feel free to PM any forum staff if you need a little help with making a thread.


  10. 5fff127ba91615d007b7c9ee87943e60.png 

    How to start a Clan?
    First of all the clan owner will have to meet these requirements:

    1) Clan owner with 500+ hours in-game playtime or a Staff rank with 250+ hours.
    2) 5 members total, including owner, to start out.
    3) 50Q cash to trade in.
    4) Owner must:
    - set up clan's application process for new members (an application process similar to our staff application process).
    - keep a record of clan members updated in their forums.
    - have a record of what requirements your new members must have.
    - have a rules list in their application format.
    - have a record of how you would describe your own clan (PVM, PK, Gamble etc...).

    If you meet the requirements you're free to apply to get the clan created here.


    Benefits of a Clan:

    1) Private clan chat just for your clan in-game.
    2) Private forum section just for your clan.
    3) Private discord chats just for your clan.
    4) Clan owners will have a direct chat with other clan owners and senior staff.
    5) Ability to go to ::clan area just for your clan.
    6) Clan owner can do ::clanmeeting while in the clan area to have all members teleport to him.
    7) All clan members online will get +5% DR/DDR.
    8) If more than 10 clan members are online at the same time it becomes +10% DR/DDR.
    9) If more than 15 clan members are online at the same time it becomes +15% DR/DDR.
    Also soon to come the following month:
    - Custom Clan Area/Map
    - Custom Clan Armor for Each Clan
    - Clan Tasks/Quests
    - Clan Competition and Prizes
    - Clan Pet
    - Clan Sygil/Flag/Cape

    Clan Area:



    Rules you must follow:

    1) Each month there's 3 more clans able to be created.
    2) Maximum of 20 clan members, including clan owner.
    3) Maximum of 1 discord voice channel and 1 discord text channel.
    4) If you fall under 5 members your clan will be disbanded.
    5) Server Managers+ reserve the right to deny applications for any reason.


  11. October 9th - Game Updates


    - New client look.
    - Staff/donator crowns (::headiconson / ::headiconsoff)
    1. Dungeoneering released:
    - Added Corrupt bandage (charge with dungeoneering crystals, heals 15 each time).
    - Arcane Stream Necklace added (1.3x Magic DMG).


    - Client automatically downloads new files without launcher.
    - Construction fixed.
    - Effigys give 1/3 of their experience now.
    - Client supports symbols such as % [] “.


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