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Update 19/06/2019 - Brand new forums

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Hey guys,

Me, DediUnique, have given the community a brand new theme including
it's work with recoloring and making it as perfect as possible.
I hope that the new theme and the new look of our forums will make the forum more user-friendly and 
as I saw there we're some problems with reading or being able to write in comment boxes because
of faults in the theme.
All those problems are solved and I will be developing further to increase the
functions of the new forums. I will add Rich Discord Integration
which makes it able to connect to our forums with your Discord account.

We store the details secure on a secured server.
It only gets your Discord name and Discord email address and
generates a encrypted password which is only connected to your account.

I also added an shoutbox which is just a lovely feature.

I hope I informed you enough,

Written by DediUnique
Posted by Flux

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